I Climbed Across My Two Little Mountaintops

I climbed across my two little mountain tops” is a visual essay on the female breast. 

I explore the symbolisms and the history that formed the breasts into the Western’s civilizations culture while at the same time I take the chance to get bodily involved into the subject and understand my bodily identity. 

I created a dialogue between the subject and the medium where the visual identity of the breasts is in a continuous transition. The breasts become a photograph, the photograph an object and later on a photograph again. But in the end everything is a breast and at the same time it is not. The work is consisted by a photographic series,  gifs,  video performances and sculptures.





Lost In Flesh 

A series of gifs portraying the breast as an autonomous being. Flesh and nipples rolling and falling in and out the frame blending into kaleidoscopic environments. 


Installation shots from the group exhibition Vanishing Points at Röda Sten Konsthall, Gothenburg 2021



Installation shots from the group exhibition The Path of a Falling Leaf at Galleri Format, Malmö 2021

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